The Barça Atlètic already adds his first drop of face to the season 2024/25. The Senegalese defender Mamadou Mbacke, the one who was to loan of Los Angeles FC in the picture culé, has used his social networks (@mbakeii_4l) to confirm his farewell of the team, since from 1 July has to reincorporarse to the dynamics of the group angelino.

It is necessary to remember that the defender, the one who in this season 2023/24 contested 22 commitments and accumulated 1.758 minutes of game, suffered a complete break of the internal lateral ligament of the left ankle that deserved a surgical intervention and prevented him follow seeing action with the combined Catalan in the final stretch of the campaign, when already it had turned into one of the pillars of the defensive line of the Barcelonan square beside his compatriot Mika Faye. Further of this, east had the option to remain in the club of the City Condal if these exerted the option of near purchase to the 4 M€ that prayed in his agreement of loan, which was not exerted.

"Hello Culers, did not go more than a beautiful trip to share the experience as much as mate and like fan. My aim when coming here was to carry to the Barça where deserves and where belongs, but was not decision of All-powerful God. I am very happy to be part of you, loved each stage. Only I want to appreciate them to all, went only a short trip", prayed the communiqué that the Senegalese published in his social networks, accompanied of a photography in which it sees him in the day that was presented like player of the FC Barcelona.

Really it posed the Barça Atlètic the continuity of Mbacke?

This announcement contrasts with the informations that had arisen in the last days, in which aseveraba that the Catalan square was considering to extend the stay of the Senegalese in the team, taking into account also the fact that the transfer of Jorthy Mokio did not concretise and the filial could look for a new alternative to reinforce his saga. In fact, as it informed in 'The Athletic', both clubs were negotiating this continuity. However, to the not exerting the option of purchase mentioned previously and not boarding any another negotiation, the transaction has not arrived to good port.