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The only case in which Rousaud could get Neymar back to Barça

Published:27/11/2020 - 13:13h

Updated:27/11/2020 - 16:32h

Emili Rousaud assured in the presentation of his candidacy that the bombshell of his plan is to make Neymar Jr return to Barça. But the Brazilian is a complicated signing and could only return if he arrived completely free

Calendar of FC Barcelona

"It has contacted with his surroundings. The interposition of demands against the club do not facilitate his return in no case. But Neymar has the osiers to join up to a club as ours. We are with the idea that fragüe his return to Barcelona. The past year, he had the intention to return". East was the bombazo that soltó Emili Rousaud, ex vice-president of the FC Barcelona, in the presentation of his candidature for the next elections of the Barça.

The ex Barcelona director took out to relucir the name of Neymar Jr and confirmed that it already is doing the first management to make possible the return of the Brazilian. But the '10' of Paris Saint-Germain would not arrive next summer, but it would do it in 2022, with the letter of freedom under the arm. The forward finishes agreement this year and the own Rousaud was the one who ensured that that is the way in which it wants to fichar to the 'crack'.

"Has to understand our project. What have to have very present is that our T-shirt has weight. We are working for fichar players 'top', footballers franchise, when they finish the agreement. Before eclosionen and have a high price", affirmed the precandidato. Some words that leave very clear that the moment in which it will launch to by Ney will be in January of 2022 and no before.

But to be able to sign free to the of Sao Paulo, the ex blaugrana will have to achieve before that it engage to not renewing with the PSG. Something that, on the other hand, does not go to be easy, since it is negotiating in these moments his extension of agreement. It seems that the paulista is had to be followed in Paris, although it is for seeing if the French accept the rise salarial that is asking. This could be what save to the Barcelona and to Rousaud.

But no only it will have to avoid that the international 'canarinho' do not renew, but it also will have to attain that it do not accept any of the possible offers that can have in 2021 in case that it do not renew. Real Madrid, Manchester United, City, Juventus of Turín or Liverpool could try his signing if it puts to shot. The ex vice-president will have to do that the player refuse any type of ofrecimiento or the plan for his return will be impossible.

Convince to Messi that it remain for fichar to Neymar

Finally, perhaps also it do lacking to convince to Leo Messi so that it remain , since the Argentinian is a big fellow of the Brazilian. It can that to the 'crack' of the PSG no him apetezca return to the Barça if the rosarino goes next summer to the Manchester City, that is what is speaking . In definite, is a tremendously complicated operation for which will do fault a lot of patience, work and even quite luck.