Mikel Merino en un entrenamiento de la selección de España en la Eurocopa 2024


Operation Merino! This is the possible signing of Mikel for FC Barcelona

Published:21/07/2024 - 16:35h

Updated:22/07/2024 - 03:23h

FC Barcelona should not neglect the situation of Mikel Merino, since he seems to be the most appropriate option to reinforce the midfield area. However, this transaction will not be easy to complete, and at FCBN we explain all the details about it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona seems to have clear his next aim to reinforce his medullary zone: Mikel Merino, a mediocentro of 28 years of age, international with the Spanish selection and at present player of the Real Sociedad. This option results very attractive so much on economic grounds like sportive for the team culé. The navarro, in addition to being an option 'low cost', would contribute to the centre of the field a very dynamic profile. In spite of not being physically very corpulento, fulfils in defence, is able to make big physical deployments and win a lot of duels. To his time, is a virtuoso in the exit of balloon and possesses a big tactical intelligence to connect the background line with the offensive front by means of passes and long trips of balloon.

With these sportive qualities, results unavoidable to think that Mikel Merino represents a big opportunity of market so much for the combined Barcelona as for other clubs interested in him. His candidature purchases special importance because of the conditions in which it could produce his exit of the Real Sociedad. Why? Although the midfield player has a clause of rescission of 65 million euros, that adjusts roughly to his value of market according to the website 'Transfermarkt' (50 M€), his agreement with the 'Txuri-Urdin' wins próximamente in 2025 and there are not indications that there is some agreement to renew it. This could carry to that the Basque cast consider the option to leave it go in this market estival by an inferior proposal to his initial pretences.

The formulas that medita the FC Barcelona to close the signing of Mikel Merino

In this point, as we inform recently in FCBN, the FC Barcelona would be in position to offer a near sum to the 20 million euros by the traspaso of Mikel Merino. However, it seems that the 'blanquiazules' do not value too much this quantity, since, as 'The Nacional.cat', would not accept less than 40 'kilos' by the mediocentro. Equally, the wage of the navarro results attractive in terms of the scale salarial of the club, since the metric of 'Capology' suggest that the player perceives around 3.2 M€ gross annual.

Nevertheless, the formula proposed by the group culé does not limit only to the economic offer, since also it has mentioned recently that the Catalan picture would be interested in including to some player in the operation. In this sense, the defenders Mika Faye, Eric García and Iñigo Martínez have earned special importance, since they could result interesting for the Real Sociedad, that predictably will suffer the drop of Robin Him Normand, whose incorporation by the Athletic of Madrid seems to be very directed. Since the Barcelonan group has an important 'overbooking' of defenders, would not be surprising that are had to 'sacrifice' to any of them with the end to reduce the montos of the transaction, at least to 25 M€.

Athletic and Arsenal, competitors to take into account by the Barcelona club

Now, the FC Barcelona no only has to find a formula that satisfy to all the parts to carry out the transfer, but it also has to be attentive to the interest of other clubs like the Athletic of Madrid and the Arsenal, those who already have showed interest in Mikel Merino. However, they have not revealed the details of a concrete offer by part of these casts.

It will be necessary to expect to see how develops this 'serial'. By the moment, the footballer seems to be cautious to the hour to take a decision, taking advantage of his deserved period on holiday after contesting the Eurocopa 2024 with Spain. This time will allow him reflexionar on the decisions that has to take in a summer that foresees quite agitated around his figure.

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