After seeing frustrated his intentions of fichar to Frenkie of Jong during the past market of summer in front of the férrea posture by part of the player, even when already there was a monetary agreement between the FC Barcelona and the Manchester United for his traspaso, Erik Have Hag does not give by defeated and would be again had to try add to his rows to the midfield player.
The information has been spread by the 'Manchester Evening News', indicating that the technician wants to do with Frenkie of Jong in front of the lacks in the centre of the field, that have not been able to be solved by players like Carlos Henrique Casemiro or Christian Eriksen. For Have Hag, the ideal profile is the one of the today Barcelona player, that has lived an important progression in his game.
In the case of Eriksen, his functions at present are very distinct to what could offer Of Jong, what to his time has comported to a fault of creation of game in the 'room of machines' of the team mancuniano. Thus, Have Hag continue being insistent in front of the directive, splitting that the Dutch would be the piece that would be missing him for his sportive project.
The problems for the United
At present, the situation to be able to fichar to Frenkie of Jong luce more complicated that in the window estival. On the one hand, the footballer would not have the wish to abandon the club and in his last presentations has felt more comfortable in the diagram of Xavi Hernández, winning more minutes of game and erigiéndose like one of the most brilliant figures of the Barça in the middle of a negative dynamics.
On the other hand, taking into account the leadership that is having the Dutch in these moments, the posture of the club could be very distinct. However, Have Hag would not desist in his wish to have again to the player that formed part of his project in the Ajax of Ámsterdam and could urge to the club to launch again to by his signing in the market of winter.