The future of Pablo Tower in the FC Barcelona seems every time less clear. The Cantabrian arrived to the picture culé in the season 2022/23 after shining in the Racing of Santander, what carried him to sign an agreement until 2026 with the combined Barcelonan. Nevertheless, up to now it has not had sufficient presence in the first team of the Barça, and seems that it will have to expect so that this change.

In principle, this recently finished campaign 2023/24 considered key so that the one of Soto of the Marine, after his loan to the Girona, had the opportunity to play in the First Division and determine if would have space in the Barcelona cast for the period 2024/25. However, the plans of the midfield player have taken an unexpected course because of his exert in the group gerundense.

Pablo Tower had a less brilliant season of the expected so much for him as for the FC Barcelona, since it did not have a lot of occasions to see action in a combined 'Gironí' that had a centre of the almost immovable field formed by the trio: Aleix García, Yangel Herrera and Iván Martín. This left little space so that the Cantabrian deployed his game, and only could contest some 802 minutes in the season, leaving his footprint grieve in three occasions with an annotation and two assistances.

The plan of Hansi Flick with Pablo Tower after returning of his cession

Nevertheless, recently it arose an information that could be alentadora for this talentoso midfield player. It suggests that Hansi Flick, in his renewed sportive project, could give him the opportunity to show at least in the pre-season 24/25. Taking in account the style of game of the native trainer of Heidelberg, with a diagram of 4-2-3-1, Tower could fit well like mediapunta or offensive midfield player. If it takes advantage of the pre-season, could win a place in the plans of Flick.

Now, from 'SPORT' desvelan an information that suggests the contrary, since it refers that the options of Pablo Tower to remain in the Barcelona cast, at least for this season, are increasingly remote. This source asevera that, of all the available midfield players in the planning of the picture culé, the Cantabrian is the one who has fewer options to remain in the club.

It will go back the Cantabrian to the Girona?

Under this premise, would not be surprising that the club look for to yield it again, and everything aims to that it could be to the Girona, since the player has manifested in more than an occasion that feels comfortable in Montilivi and attracts him the idea to play in the UEFA Champions League the next season. It will be necessary to see if the FC Barcelona is had to yield it again to the group gerundense and, of course, if the team 'albirrojo' also wants to have it ofturn . To his time, is important to take into account the option mentioned recently in FCBN, where especula that Pablo Tower could form part of a possible operation by Mikel Merino, since it seems to be of the like of the Real Sociedad.