Rafa Márquez archivo


Rafa Márquez is the best placed to replace Xavi at Barça in the event of his dismissal

Published:17/05/2024 - 11:08h

Updated:17/05/2024 - 11:08h

FC Barcelona is in the midst of a new crisis, or at least that's what it looks like at the start of this Friday. Given this, the name of Rafa Márquez as the new coach of the first team is once again on the table

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Xavi Hernández at the head of the FC Barcelona has happened to be ensured to again be an incógnita, everything in the last 48 hours. The new twist of script, which has replaced to the that produced does so only some weeks, has to Joan Laporta very contrariado by the words of the trainer the past Wednesday and the dismissal of the technician is on the table, and even already could be decided.

In these circumstances, the name of Rafa Márquez, trainer of the Barça Atlètic, is the one who more has taken importance in these last hours, ensure 'Sport'. The information signals that although it remained near to rise of direct form with the filial culé, the work of the of Michoacán has left a good flavour of mouth in the City Condal, by what could be the solution of the club in the case that Xavi finish being sacked the next week.

Rafa Márquez, a profile that the Barça looks for again

The Mexican already has sounded in a pair of occasions during this season like the replacement of the egarense, by what his new possible signing no longer would be like a surprise. The idea of the club would be to bet again by a similar profile to which had in his moment Pep Guardiola and Luis Enrique, those who happened first by the bench of the Barcelona subsidiary before arriving to the first staff, and both cases finish with big successes regarding titles and performance of the team.

Márquez, by his part, dressed the colours of the institution from the 2003 to 2010, years in which it was very leading in the Camp Nou with a style of game that adapted to what the barcelonismo always has defended, in addition to this showed a leadership that cost him the recognition of the fans. To this adds him his big work with some youngsters of the club, with which could work in the following season, as Pau Cubarsí, Héctor Fort, Marc Guiu, Marc Casadó or Mika Faye.

Positive relation with the club, his history... And his sportive direction

It is important to highlight equally that, coincidencialmente, Márquez went up this Thursday a photography to his social networks in which rememoraba the title obtained with the Barça in the Champions League of the 2006. There, the Mexican commented that cumplian 18 years "to win the most important trophy of my career like footballer", signalled, having besides in account that shared the image with Leo Messi, Juliano Beletti and the current sportive director of the Barça, Deco.

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