The situation of Rafa Márquez in the FC Barcelona gave a twist of 180 degrees. The entrandor Mexican had decided to abandon the bench of the filial blaugrana when finalising the season since it considered that his cycle in the formative football there was finish. However, the sportive director of the club, Deco, has achieved to convince him and the ex defender culé will extend his stay in the City Condal by a season more.

Like this it ensures it the newspaper 'Sport', where besides reveal that in Can Barça practically will bend him his wage. The Barcelona entity had like priority the continuity of the of Zamora of Hidalgo in the bench, independently of if there was promotion or no, but Márquez did them know his doubts to finals of April. The technician did not see at all clear to follow, but at the end changed to seem.

The ex footballer blaugrana remained touched in front of the decision of the club to sign to Hansi Flick like replacement of Xavi Hernández, since Rafa was one of the big candidates to suplir to the egarense. Besides, several clubs of First Division had showed interest in doing with his services, by what all aimed to an exit of the City Condal.

In this moment 'convulso', was Deco the one who took out the 'popes of the fire'. The trainer and the sportive director were mates in the Barcelona changing room and keep a very good relation, by what the insistence of the Portuguese was key so that Márquez decided to continue in the bench of the Barça Atlètic. Joan Laporta also 'tightened' so that this accessed to renew his agreement, and his family finds comfortable in the city, by what finally will remain .

'Plan B' to Flick

The figure of Rafa Márquez has big weight in the organisation chart culé. In the entity are more than happy with his work and aims ways of big trainer. It knows well the quarry, the footballers of the filial have grown under his orders and the club has full confidence in him, although it still is not his moment to give the jump to the first team. However, the Barça sees him like a 'plan B' in case to have change of course in the project of Hansi Flick. There is full convencimiento that the German will work, but the Catalans consider to be very covered in front of a 'emergency' with the continuity of the Mexican.