Florian Wirtz en el duelo de la Bundesliga entre el Bayer Leverkusen y el Leipzig


Real Madrid and Manchester City, dangerous rivals of Barça in the race for Wirtz

Published:7/06/2024 - 11:00h

Updated:7/06/2024 - 11:00h

The European market is increasingly complicated to sign top-level footballers, and with Florian Wirtz, Barça will not have any ease with the rivals they will have to face

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona aspired to reinforce with Florian Wirtz in 2025, trying take advantage of that the own German player has expressed his passion by the Barcelona club from does several years. However, the competition by the mediapunta is of very high level, especially if we take into account that two of the three main interested in the youngster are the Real Madrid and the Manchester City.

And it is that further of the economic factor of the own Barça, that right now is quite move# away to be able to assume an operation that surely would surpass the 120 million euros, Wirtz also has been linked by different informations to the Madrid of face to the next year, being a possible signing of the white club beside his current technician, Xabi Alonso, the one who would arrive like substitute of Carlo Ancelotti.

Two competitors of very high level and a Barça that it will have to struggle against all

Besides, it is necessary to add also to a Manchester City that sees him like the ideal replacement of Kevin Of Bruyne. The Belgian will fulfil 33 years in the next months and his agreement finalises on 30 June 2025, by what possibly can face his last season in the team mancuniano, remembering besides that already for the current summer has left to fall the possibility that it accept to leave to Saudi Arabia.

With this planning of both clubs, which have a lot of more financial margin to face the operation, the Barça explains only in this moment with the wish of the player to get dressed of Barcelona, but does not seem to be sufficient to plant like the favourite of the 'career'. The culés will need an attractive project, especially winning titles again, as well as the possibility to negotiate with a Leverkusen that surely will try that it exist a 'war' of biddings in 2025 to take out the maximum possible benefit.

The Bayern also is in the list of 'girlfriends' of Wirtz

To all this also has to add that the German also likes a lot to the Bayern of Munich, that always tries 'fish' the greater available talent inside the Bundesliga, and that with Flick will not do an exception. The Bavarians will have almost a year to prepare his offensive, knowing that many times the footballers Teutonics opt for continuing in Germany and that mudarse to Munich is used to to be a synonymous of stability and titles.

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