The directive of the Real Madrid keeps his politics to renew to the referents of the staff annually. The last in receiving an offer to extend his agreement by a year was Nacho Fernández, the one who finish agreement the next 30 June and, as 'MARK', would have term until this day to decide if it accepts or no the renewal that offers him the club where has played all his life.

The central of 34 years, one of the summoned by Luis de la Fuente for the Eurocopa, arrived to the club in 2001, happening six seasons in the divisions of alevines until giving the jump to the Juvenile B in 2007. His debut in the first team produced in the 2012/13 and, since, accumulates 364 official parties, with six Champions and four Leagues inside his list of winners.

Arabia and United States, alternative apetecibles for Nacho

For the moment, Nacho has a formal proposal on the table of the To the Nassr Saudi, where could reencontrarse with Cristiano Ronaldo. His another alternative aims to the Major League Soccer, where several clubs would be after his steps. In the 2023/24, the defender contested 45 parties (3.126 minutes), being title the greater part of the season after the injuries of Éder Militao and David Praises.

For the Madrid, the priority aims to keep to his captain in the staff, being the only able defender to play in any one defensive position. Before the final of Wembley, the '6' ensured to 'Wave zero' that already had taken a decision on his future and, during the celebrations of the fifteenth, ensured that "ojalá go on doing history", opening the door to remain in the club. However, of not giving formal answer to the directive before 30 June, could follow in its footsteps Sergio Bouquets, the one who had to leave in 2021 after having "caducado" the offer of 1 year that the club formulated him.