Arda Guler acto


Reality or populism? Arda Güler clarifies what happened to the offer he had from Barça

Published:7/07/2023 - 15:05h

Updated:7/07/2023 - 15:05h

The Real Madrid, in spite of having ensured does a pair of weeks that would not do more signings, presented this Friday to Burn Güler like his new reinforcement and the Turkish tried to leave clear that 'happened' of several offers to get dressed of white

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Burn Guler was presented this Friday like new player of the Real Madrid and from the room of press of Santiago Bernabéu the footballer of 18 years did emphasis in a speech a so much populist for his new fans. Initially it ensured that it wants to be "a legend of the club" and descartó that can go out yielded, in front of the rumours that aimed to this possibility, leaving also clear that the proposal merengue would have done that descartara the others that had on the table of immediate way.

"There were a lot of clubs that showed intention of ficharme and contacted with me, but when the Madrid interested by me the rest of proposals lost value", insisted Güler when being asked after the statements of Joan Laporta, president of the Barça, that manifested publicly the intention of the entity culé to attain his signing. Precisely after those statements the Madrid intensified his offensive and improved the economic conditions that the culés had proposed to the Fenerbahce and to the surroundings of the player.

The offer of Florentino seems that it changed his opinion quickly

The Turkish has explained also that in the last days has received "offers of a lot of clubs", but that his absolute priority "always has been the Madrid". "The Madrid is my election and preference, want to contribute all my football to this team. I seat me very happy and proud to be in a so big club", signalled Güler, the one who has wanted to descartar efusivamente the possibility to go out yielded in search of minutes and opportunities. "I am prepared to compete. I go to give it everything to win me my place. I want to remain me", it aimed.

"There are a lot of important players, but am smart to compete by a place, go to give everything to win me a place in the club", said the midfield player of 18 years, the one who if it wants to have regularity will have to bet for acting more like right extreme, as long as it do not add another forward to the staff. The arrival of Kylian Mbappé would leave to Rodrygo like the right extreme headline, and with a XI practically intocable for the merengues.

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Asked after his favourite player of the white team, the new signing of the Madrid affirmed that "all are very important, but for me Modric is the best midfield player of the world. I go to learn a lot of him, go to take advantage of this occasion", revealed. It burn it admitted that it has been hard to leave the Fenerbahce, but trusted that the Turkish club have understood his decision and "go to benefit economically of my decision. This causes me satisfaction", affirmed.

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