The name of Nico Williams echoes every time with elder forces in the surroundings of the FC Barcelona like possible reinforcement for the season 2024/25. The one of Pamplona presents like an active very attractive to strengthen the left extreme of the picture culé, since it is young and contributes a lot of disequilibrium and vertigo by the left-handed side, two attributes that escasearon in the Catalan group the campaign gone through this band.

However, the incorporation of the lower of Williams does not seem to be a signing that generate absolute consensus in all the estamentos of the Barcelonan cast. As it commented in 'SPORT', exists some desazón by part of a sector of the Barcelona directive to the acquisition of the extreme of the Athletic, but this distrust does not base in sportive questions, since there are not doubts that Nico is a stellar footballer and with a big potential. The worry by the arrival of the pamplonés roots more in the fact that some members of the managerial board were not satisfied with the form in that it managed his future.

Why from a sector of the managerial culé sees with distrust the signing of Nico Williams?

From the club expose that Nico Williams already knew the interest of the FC Barcelona in doing of his services from the past season, by what apparently did not see of way very positive that the extreme renewed his agreement with the Basque club until 2027. This is due to that his agreement with the 'Lions' expired on 30 June 2024, what would have allowed that it arrived to the square of the City Condal in condition of free agent, without need to negotiate a traspaso with the bilbaínos and possibly saving an important quantity of money.

Now, those that see with distrust his arrival to the Barça also understand that the player, considering his high value of market, around 60 M€, have wanted to leave some economic profit to the team in which it formed and that offered him the opportunity to give the big jump to the First Division. Nevertheless, this does not exempt the fact that this could have prejudiced to the combined culé, that now will have to invest at least 58 'kilos' to pay the clause of rescission of the left extreme, to which the Basques grasp of way intransigente.