In some statements conceded in the gala of "MD", just after collecting the prize to Better Trainer in representation of Luis Enrique, the sportive director of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, has confirmed that Aleix Vidal will remain in the Barça and will not leave traspasado during the market of winter, since Luis Enrique has he.

"Aleix Vidal remains . We are very happy with him. It has changed the dynamics", has commented on the player tarraconense, the one who began the month of January with all the ballots to abandon the club, but after a change of attitude and the return of the confidence of Luis Enrique the situation has remained solved, at least for the moment.

It will not arrive a side to the Barça this winter

On Luis Enrique, simultaneously, Robert Fernández has ensured that "it is equal like player that like person, a noble uncle". In definite, with the presence of Aleix Vidal in the staff descarta practically that the FC Barcelona go to incorporate to a side this winter.

This will be a pending subject possibly for next summer, with the will to give oxygen to Sergi Roberto so that it can explode to the maximum his polivalencia and help to the team also in other positions, like the centre of the field.