Kimmich, in an image of archive


Robert Fernández spied to Kimmich in the Bayern-Juventus

Published:18/03/2016 - 10:14h

Updated:18/03/2016 - 10:14h

The sportive director of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, would have witnessed in direct the performances of David Praises and Joshua Kimmich against the Juventus of Turín the past Wednesday. The young German player would be in the diary culé

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it confirmed the newspaper "Sport", the technical secretary of the FC Barcelona, Robert Fernández, travelled this week to Germany to witness in direct the party of turn of the eighth of final of the UEFA Champions League 2015-16 between the Bayern Munich and the Juventus of Turín in the Allianz Sand, with the aim to see live the performances of two players that would be being followed from does weeks by the entity blaugrana, the polyvalent David Praises and the talentoso Joshua Kimmich, the one who to his 21 years is able to play of head office or defensive pivote.

Because of the big plague of drops by injury that Pep Guardiola has in the Bavarian staff, especially in the positions of head office and of pivote, Joshua Kimmich is having of a big quantity of minutes during the last meetings to start with to project, desatando the praises of the technical body of Pep Guardiola and of the Bavarian fans, as well as the attention of varied of the big clubs of Europe, that would be very attentive to his evolutions. The polivalencia of the young footballer and the abstemiousness of his game, very matured in spite of his short age, have called to the door of the "big "" of Europe that, like the Barça, would have "watched" his performances.

Precisely the FC Barcelona walks looking for of face to the next season a reinforcement to cover the defensive saga, and if it is polyvalent better. Marquinhos And Aymeric Laporte are the preferred to day of today, but would cost each one a minimum of 50 million euros, and the Barcelona would have also the intention to reinforce other positions of the staff in the next market of summer, by what would want to escatimar to the maximum the costs. Kimmich, in this coyuntura, could go out of the Allianz Sand by less money and convert equally in a footballer of future ensured in the Barça, with a big provision in spite of not being so mediático like Laporte, Marquinhos or Stones.

What is clear is that Robert Fernández -always according to the Catalan newspaper- could witness the Wednesday in the Allianz Sand the enormous quality of the young German talent, confirming besides that David Praises is also one of the best of the world in the position of left side, being able to act also of head office and in the centre of the field. The Bavarian club, however, is about to "to armour" to the Austrian with an agreement of star, by what is possible that the efforts of the Barcelona club, from now, go oriented to continue indagando on the possible signing of Kimmich, the one who by his part would be to taste in the Bayern Munich and would not pose to day of today an exit.