Mohamed Salah, before a match with the Liverpool


Salah leaves his future in the air and the 'big' clubs rub their hands

Published:25/07/2020 - 20:16h

Updated:25/07/2020 - 20:16h

One of the big stars of the Liverpool, Mohamed Salah, has left his future in the air when have been asked about in the last hours, provoking multiple speculations

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To these heights, already anybody doubts that Mohamed Salah is one of the big idols of the panorama futbolístico international, winner of the Champions League with the Liverpool does two campaigns and, this last, of a historical Premier League. His way by Anfield is being very successful, and is thus that have surprised so much his last statements.

Breaking clearly the line that was still in the last months, when it ensured to have heart 'network' and not having doubts on his continuity, in this occasion yes has left in the air what will happen with his future, giving foot like this to multiple speculations that have begun him to relate with some of the most important clubs of Europe, inside and out of England.

"Anybody knows the future and what sucederá. We see which raisin. Only I want to enjoy of the today and of the moment. I am happy since we win the Champions and the Premier", explained the Egyptian star in statements conceded to 'FM Colombia', and collected by other media as 'MD'.

"Anybody knows the future and what sucederá. We see which raisin. Only I want to enjoy of the today and of the moment"

Shortly after, in words conceded to the 'BBC', yes hinted that will continue like minimum a campaign more in the Liverpool, although without giving neither too many details. "It is genial, a big feeling the win the Premier League with the Liverpool after 30 years. We have to keep the hunger for the next season because it goes to be more difficult that this".

What yes keeps intact Salah, in spite of having won Champions and Premier in two years, are win them of titles. "Sincerely, I think that we can win another and another trophy. Ojalá Can do this. It is our aim. I do not know why we can not do it. It is only in our head. I think that if it keeps this hunger and struggle with all what have, will be possible", ensured.

A more toneless season in the individual

To individual level, this campaign 2019-20 of Salah has been more toneless that the previous. Of face to the next courses, thinks that the rivals will put it to him even more difficult. "I think that the next season, when it see the situation, will be more complicated. I think that it will be more difficult because the hunger, when you have won Champions and Premier, removes you a bit. Now we have to change this mentality".

Salah, in definite, seems decided to remain at least a season more in the Liverpool. But, further of this and on the eve of future, does not wish to think too much in what it will occur. Probably it base in the feelings that have when it arrive the moment. And for the moment, as it says, it will centre in saborear the titles harvested and in following working to increase his list of winners. By ambition that do not remain.