The FC Barcelona follows very attentive to the future of Luis Enrique in Paris Saint-Germain, being the ex seleccionador Spanish one of the options to occupy the bench culé in summer. The imminent exit of Xavi Hernández has posed a favourable stage for the return of the Asturian to Catalonia, although has agreement with the PSG by a season more, until June of 2025.

It does a pair of weeks, once burst the 'bomb' of the exit of the egarense of the Barça when finalising the 2023/24, 'Struggle' was consulted on his options to return to the club. Faithful to his habit, answered of cutting form: "I do not have at all that say in this regard. Without comments". However, it is clear that, in case of not continuing at the head of the PSG, the Spanish trainer would be loved to return to a Barça of the that went out by own decision in 2017.

In this sense, the possible exit of Luis Enrique of Paris is tied, mainly, to two factors: the future of Kylian Mbappé and the performance of the team in the final stages of the Champions. Depending of the denouement of both cases, can present three stages that propiciarán the course of the ex seleccionador Spanish of the PSG a year before the planned. To continuation, review them:

1. The exit of possible exit of Mbappé and the obligation to win the Champions

On the one hand, if Mbappé leaves , is very likely that 'Struggle' decide to follow his steps if the directive does not guarantee him the immediate signing of another 'crack'. One of the alternatives regarding forwards that would handle the club to replace to the of Bondy would be Victor Osimhen, although it treats of a player with different characteristics. Of the same way, the obligation to win the Champions can carry to the Asturian to step to the side if, finally, do not attain to win the 'orejona' this season and, with the goodbye of Mbappé, the Spanish trainer considers that they would not have the necessary to compete in Europe in the 24/25.

2. A slam of To the-Khelaïfi after another European failure

Aunado To this, the own Nasser To the-Khelaïfi could decide for sacking to Luis Enrique if, for example, the team does not attain at least surpass the eighth of Champions by third consecutive season. Further to have Tie it 1 in the pocket (are leaders with 50 points in 21 days, with 11 of advantage on the Nice), fall in front of the Real Sociedad, a club with an infinitely inferior budget, would be inadmissible so much for the directive as for the fans.

3. The pressure of Mbappé to arm a new sportive project

On the other hand, if Mbappé renews and the team does not arrive, at least, to the semifinals in the League of Champions, would not be rare that the own Kylian support the exit of Luis Enrique in summer for, again, arm a new sportive project. The relation of the trainer with the French star has not been easy this season, since the '7' has left clear that does not feel comfortable playing like forward inside, that is where 'Struggle' prefer to put him because of the problems of adaptation of Gonçalo Bouquets and the irregularity of Randal Kolo Muani.