Antoine Griezmann, protesting an action to Fernández Borbalán


Simeone Gives the keys for the recovery of Griezmann

Published:22/11/2017 - 14:37h

Updated:23/11/2017 - 00:10h

The trainer of the Athletic of Madrid, Diego Pablo Simeone, has given in press conference the keys of the future recovery of Antoine Griezmann, that was whistled in front of the Real Madrid and needs to trust again in his provision

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In statements conceded in the last hours in press conference, Diego Pablo Simeone was asked after the situation that is crossing Antoine Griezmann in the rows of the Athletic of Madrid in this beginning of season, when carrying eight consecutive parties without marking and hardly throw to goal, sumido in a clear fault of confidence.

By the quality that has, as it ensured Simeone, soon will see again to the best Griezmann. "It is concerned because it wants to surrender in his best version. It needs the goal. It has not marked but it has had good performance with the game".

"It has emparentado these years with the goal and when it does not accompany it finish paying and the people enojando. It is a boy that has it everything, is an extraordinary player. It is necessary to give him all, the confidence to follow playing. It is a footballer that will go back to the natural that there is in him that is the goal", commented the trainer of the Athletic of Madrid to the present media.

The brother of Griezmann, Theo, had questioned in some occasion the diagram of game of the Athletic of Madrid, that to his seem does not favour to Griezmann so that it shine in his maximum splendour. Simeone Does not think that here was the problem, but respects all the opinions.

When we will see again to the best Griezmann?

"I do not think that it was a comparable situation. Each one is a different person. It is necessary to respect the opinion of the brother as of any one", signalled, to conclude of the following way: "Antoine is well, needs reencontrarse with him same. Has a brilliant present, a big future, his mates want him. The people has showed him his affection and demands him when they do not go out the things, when it does not give him all what accustoms, as it is normal that demand him more as they would do it with any, with me same, when one is an idol of the club".

It will be necessary to see if, of face to the next commitments, Griezmann achieves reflotar his game and cuajar big performances, the same that have carried him to come under scrutiny of the FC Barcelona and of several big clubs of Europe in the úitimos years. It foresees that the Barça litigate by his signing of face to the next summer of 2018.