Ronald Araújo is one of the 'folders' pending that has the FC Barcelona, perhaps the most important. The charrúa has agreement until 2026 and a wage quite underneath of his status in the changing room and of his performance on the field, by what the idea is to improve him the index card and expand him the years of links along this 2024. However, the Fair Play of the Barça is limited and the mass salarial has to goes down more than going up, by what the agreement will not be so simple as to to both parts would like them.

It comments that in case that the deal do not finish of fraguarse along these next months, the picture barcelonista could listen offers by him if economically they are high and if the player asks to go. Nevertheless, this now only are rumours and the only reality is what can say from the club or the own footballer, that precisely has spoken for 'TNT Sports' on his future. The defender has 'happened' of this supposed 'serial' and has left clear that is very to taste in the City Condal.

"No, no, the fans have to be calm, I am very happy here in Barcelona", stood out. The Uruguayan, although it did not say literally that it goes to remain to 100%, insisted in that so much he like his family are happy in the Barça. "I am very well, my family is very well, am very well in Barcelona, am very happy here, carry almost five years and this show it every time that it touches me dress this T-shirt inside the field and go to do it always, very happy to be here", indicated.

Araújo 'Surrendered' to Robert Lewandowski

On the other hand, Araújo also referred in this brief interview to one of his mates, Robert Lewandowski. The Pole, that was being very discussed, has improved a lot these last weeks and is in full series goleadora, with 5 goals in the last 4 parties, the last in Naples. Ronald confirmed that in the changing room anybody doubt of the '9' and 'surrendered' to him. "It is our forward, our goleador and is very important for us, all his career marked goals and is giving us a lot", concluded.