Denis Suárez, in the last party contested the past season with the Villarreal

They will decide his future

Summit Denis Suárez-FC Barcelona for this week

Published:25/05/2016 - 08:45h

Updated:25/05/2016 - 08:45h

The current midfield player of the Villarreal Denis Suárez finds concentrated with Spain in the remittance of young proposal by Of the Forest, parallel to the list of the Eurocopa. After concluding the concentration and gather with the Barça will decide his future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

As it has desvelado the agent of the mediapunta of the Villarreal Denis Suárez, this same week will look for to gather with the FC Barcelona to know at first hand the plans of future that the Barcelona picture has for with his represented. Joseba Díaz has clear that the Galician footballer is in a moment of his exceptional career and do not want to cut him the progression going back to the Barça if they know that it will not have opportunities.

Thus they want to know the plans of future of Luis Enrique with him and, just then, will decide the best for them. The footballer at present finds concentrated with the Spanish selection, in the list of young promises of the state football that gave Vicente of the Forest and that it is parallel to the list of summoned for the Eurocopa of France 2016.

This concentration will finish this Sunday with what the footballer has affirmed that will decide his future the next week. There will be, therefore, serial Denis Suárez during the market of signings. "It remains me a week with the selection and afterwards, when it finish the season definitively, will decide where will play next year", affirmed the footballer in a recent interview to "The voice of Galicia".

The Barcelona club, by his part, seems to follow decided to pay the three million euros of his clause to incorporate it again to his rows. They know that to the player does him a lot of illusion go back whenever have opportunities to contest a good number of parties. This week, therefore, will be key to know plant them Barcelona for the future of the team.