The FC Barcelona is scheduling the market of signings of this year while it resolves his 'eternal' problems with the Fair Play financial. In the diary of the club, if they give the conditions, will be the possibility of 'tie up' the traspaso of a right side, Joao Cancel or Jeremie Frimpong, that rondarían the 30 or 40 million euros. Home, have the option 'free' of Héctor Fort, reason by which from FCBN ask us... What has to do the Barça, fichar to Frimpong or Cancel, or bet by Héctor Fort?

The blaugrana have slope a negotiation with the Manchester City to define the future of Joao Cancel. His cession expires next Sunday and, up to now, there is not agreement so that it continue a year more in the same conditions. From England aim that the 'citizens' do not want that it add a third consecutive loan and will demand a traspaso definite by 30 million euros, a figure that the Barça would not be had to pay by the Portuguese.

The Barça handles several alternatives

In the middle of the doubts by what can happen with Joao, the name of Frimpong has appeared in the diary like a very valued alternative by Hansi Flick, to the one who likes him a lot his profile and the performance that had in the last season with the Bayer Leverkusen. It is not a traspaso simple and the player desmarcó does some weeks of the informations that linked him with the Barcelona. His available price, besides, would be of 40 'kilos'.

They are not simple options for the club, by what does not be necessary descartar that they finish 'fixing' in the option free that offers the Barça Atlètic: Héctor Fort. Already it has been in dynamics of the first team and has left performances very positive although has 'alone' 17 years. It has played by the two bands and renewed his agreement until the 2026, by what can be the solution, at least, as acting of Cancel in case that it extend his loan by a season more.

Everything will depend of the Fair Play in the Barça

In any case, the Fair Play financial will finish giving the 'sentence' for a Barça that still does not know, for sure, if it will be in conditions to move in this market of signings. From the club have left to fall that they will be able to resolve the eternal 'drama' with 'Barça Vision', but to a week that it finalise the exercise 2023/2024 have not revealed the 'solution' after the non-payment of Free of 40 million euros the past year and the 60 'kilos' that correspond this year.