The FC Barcelona, although it does not find in his best economic situation, which has limited his capacity to go in in the market of incorporations with the same soltura that other clubs 'top', seems to be directed to an improvement in this situation. Like this it has described it Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, the one who lately, every time that it asks him on the economic reality of the Barcelona cast and his possible fulfillment of the longed for rule 1/1 of the 'fair play' financial, shows a big optimism in this regard.

Thebes expressed his optimism by the return of the FC Barcelona to operate under the rule 1/1 in LaLiga

The mandator of the patronal, present in the Stadium of The Ceramics before the definite meeting of LaLiga FC Futures, where measured strengths the Seville FC and Valencia CF, with victory for the picture 'blanquinegro' by 3-0, expressed again his good feelings regarding the situation of the combined Catalan. "They do not have it so difficult to go in in the rule 1:1", it began saying.

The Hispanic-costarricense did not doubt in explaining why did this affirmation, standing out the key points that the Barcelonan cast has to resolve to advance in this question. "It will depend on some questions that have to do. They communicate us that they get along, we go to see. Everything depends on that they can resolve some subjects and exits. They know what have to pose. I expect and wish that the Barcelona go in in the rule 1/1 this summer. It does not have it so difficult like other times", commented.

It is necessary to stand out that this is the second time in this week that Javier Thebes offers positive news on the situation of the FC Barcelona. It suits to remember that the past Friday, during his participation in the ISDE Sports Convention, also offered a similar testimony on this subject. "If it does the options that is doing, that is doing them and can be feasible, but this already depends on the management of them, think that could do it. But they have to culminate the options that have between hands", commented. This went only one of several statements that did on this commonplace during his intervention.

The mandator went back to 'wet' on the arrival of Mbappé to the Madrid

In another order of ideas, during his apparition in the final of LaLiga FC Futures, the mandator of the patronal also spoke again on the signing of Kylian Mbappé by the Real Madrid and showed his scepticism with regard to if the arrival of the French star will increase the brecha between the merengues and the other clubs of the local contest. "They say a lot of things, but here is necessary to play. The football is a sport of team, go to see. It depends on a lot of things. Also it spoke of this when they came Hazard or Bleat and looks how was. Or the example of the own PSG, when it carried to Messi having to Neymar and Mbappé and further of France could not win", concluded.