Denis Suárez in a training of the FC Barcelona | FCB


Tension between the Arsenal and the FC Barcelona by the case Denis Suárez

Published:28/01/2019 - 12:00h

Updated:29/01/2019 - 15:20h

There were some days of negotiations, but if there are not surprises, Denis Suárez will be still in the FC Barcelona. The tension between the culés and the Arsenal has grown recently, because both parts accuse mutually of have not facilitated the conditions for an agreement

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has lived with a lot of intensity a month of demanding January in the dispatches, and along the last weeks has concretised some operationsThe one who does not seem to have arrived to good port is the one who had to give exit to Denis Suárez, because they have not given the necessary conditions so that there was a satisfactory agreement for all the parts.

As 'Sportive World', in the last days there would be escalado the tension between the culés and the Arsenal, that accuse mutually of the failure of a pact by the Galician. In spite of the presence of some ex Barcelona directors in the cúpula managerial of the londinenses, there has not been understanding to unblock the situation of the of Salceda of Caselas, because anybody has wanted to give his arm to twist.

The midfield player had chosen the Emirates Stadium to continue his career by a series of reasons: it Aspired to more minutes of which has in the Camp Nou, in a league and a competitive group and, besides, to the protect of a trainer that knows. But finally, everything aims to that, except twist of the guion to last hour, does not go to be possible.

Although the conveyance with option to buy appeared like an acceptable solution for the two clubs, have not concretised the conditions that had to activate it, because the postures were too move# away as to give green light to the traspaso. The Catalans wanted it compulsory and enciphered in 20 million euros, and the English did not want to assume a commitment like this given his limitations by the 'Fair Play Financial'.

The exit of Denis is not descartada

In these circumstances, the Barça has looked for alternative roads for the exit of Denis in winter, but the player does not seem to be by the work. Seville or Real Betis do not seduce him as much as the Arsenal, in spite of that according to the informations of the last days would be had to credit the figures that would confirm a profitable signing for the culés.

Regarding the possible loan, the option seems far by the contractual situation of the young, whose links with the entity expires in 2020. So that his sale do not lose value, has put him on the table a renewal by three seasons, but the crack does not finish to see clear the signature and prefers to expect to the summer to look for more possible beaux.