Munir The Haddadi, during a party with the FC Barcelona

They did not want to it sell

The 5 proposals that refused the Barça by Munir

Published:31/08/2016 - 00:39h

Updated:31/08/2016 - 00:39h

The FC Barcelona denied in this market of signings 2016 to sell to his leading youngster Munir The Haddadi and pro this refused five succulent ofrecimientos. The idea is that it finish to form in his cession in Valencia so that it go back

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After his good end of season and a better beginning of pre-season 2016, the poster of Munir The Haddadi in the European continent was envidiable. And in the moment that from the technical offices of different teams of the continent enteraron that the Barça was in disposal to undo of the young forward of 20 years, the telephone of his agent and the one of Robert Fernández did not leave to throw smoke.

A total of five team concretised five offers for fichar to the attacker informs "Sport", and that the Barça refused since in any moment wanted to lose his rights on the attacker. The Schalke German was the first group in putting to disposal to hire it. The "miners" wanted to so much fichar to the forward like asking his cession, however, preferred opt by a club of LaLiga.

Other three offers arrived of the Premier League, where seems that the teams him it rifaban. The first was the Tottenham of Mauritius Pochettino that with fifteen "kilos" expected to carry it but to the not accepting a clause of repurchase, the offer banished . The Everton of Ronald Koeman also asked after he but obtained the same answer: only cession. The londinenses of the West Ham made the best economic offer of all, but equally to the not accepting the repurchase desisted.

And finally, and no less interesting, is the offer of the Celtic of Vigo. The Galicians thought in him like substitute of Nolito and spoke with him. Eduardo Berizzo kept a private talk by telephone with him and seemed that it finish him convincing... Until it arrived the option of Valencia CF: The Barça asked him that it accepted it and the Madrilenian like this did it. Now, it will be necessary to see as it goes him this season and if really it gives the necessary jump to go back to the FC Barcelona.