The FC Barcelona would be thinking in his incorporations on a long-term basis. Of agreement to varied report in the last days, the Barcelona picture would be attentive to one of the last 'perlas' that has gone out of the maximum category of football in Australia. It treats of Garang Kuol, a leading centre of 17 years that already has begun to call the attention of the 'big' of the European continent.

Koul Was, precisely, one of the most stood out players in the friendly that contested the Barça with the stars of the To-League before it finalised the season 2021-2022. The ariete has showed in the last months a lot desparpajo, personality and recently has been included like one of the 250 better young talents of the world in list of the Observatory of Football CIES.

It treats of a talent that has 'broken' the moulds in the Australian football. 'The Sidney Morning Herald' has explained this Saturday that his deployment has not happened unobserved and clubs like the Barça, Chelsea and Newcastle already have touched the door of face to a possible movement in the window of wintry transfers, after the World-wide of Qatar.

For the moment, everything seems to indicate that the 'magpies' carry the forward in the career by the footballer of 17 years, but in the last days the surroundings of Koul would have kept conversations with the Barça, by means of the sportive director Jordi Cruyff, the one who remained loved with his performance in the party that played against the blaugrana in the month of May.

It is not slope of his future

As it has commented Koul to 'Herald' and 'The Age', the footballer still is not slope of his future. It fulfils 18 years in two weeks and there would go in to know his alternatives, but foresees that it will take a step forward and will abandon the Australian football: "I Am relaxed, to be honest", said him to the Herald and The Age. "Only I am me focusing in training and this. Really there is not effect. At all it confirms at all, in terms of how will go to any one of these places, if it is that I go. It is one [decision] important because it is my springboard to the life in Europe. I can not go to any side until January, so it gives me time to take a decision".