Barça, among the 'greats' of Europe who follow Roony Bardghji
Roony Bardghji has become one of the 'pearls' of European football and has earned the interest of several clubs, including FC Barcelona that has been following his performance at Copenhagen
Roony Bardghji Has turned into one of the players with greater projection in Europe. In spite of that carried some time calling the attention of several clubs, in this first stretch of the season 2023/2024 has consecrated like one of the big 'perlas' in the continent. It has 'destapado' with the Copenhagen, with eleven goals in 28 parties between all the competitions and with a left-handed flawless.
Since it appeared like saviour of his team in the party against the Manchester United, with an in the 87' to break the tie and decant the result to his favour (4-3), has intensified the interest of several teams in his profile. Has a brilliant future by in front and the FC Barcelona would be very attentive to his progression, to the equal that several teams of Europe that already have heaved the hand to try do with the services of the player of 18 years.
The Barça follows to the 'jewel' that it wants to play in the Real Madrid
Has agreement with the Copenhagen and is a factor that opens the doors so that his future is in the air. Still it needs a lot of continuity and settle, but is one of the most important talents in the actuality in Europe. Fabrizio Romano, specialist in the market of signings, has revealed in the last hours that the list of interested has increased exponencialmente. In addition to the Barça, the Juventus, Chelsea or the Bayer Leverkusen have been following it closely in these last months.
The Swedish player has like aim play in a team of maximum level in the next months and, in February of this year, had offered to play in the Real Madrid. Although it is not his club 'favourite', understands that it is where could reach his best level. "The dream is, of course, give the following step to the big leagues, clubs and tournaments. The club in which I want to finish? I want to play in the Real Madrid and remain me a lot of years. I want to go there. It is not that it was fan of the Real Madrid, in reality am it of Messi. But I want to go to a club that can help me to reach my aims, and think that the Real Madrid is the best club for this", recognised to Fotbollskanalen.