From the Catalan press continue without giving by closed the possibility that Jean-Michäel Seri, the big star of the Nice, can finish recalando this same season 2017-18 in the FC Barcelona, especially in the case that it produce the exit of Burn Turan in the market of winter, something more than likely taking into account that the Turkish midfield player does not explain in the plans of Ernesto Valverde.
Burn Turan has been relegado to the ostracism and with luck will be able to have minutes in some party of second level this first-half of season, can that in the first rounds of the Glass of Rey, to the not explaining for the technician extremeño in the important parties.
The newspaper 'Sport' ensures that this opens the option that Seri still can recalar in the FC Barcelona in the market of winter, since it Burn Turan will free a position in the centre of the field -in spite of the 'overbooking' existent- and this could be occupied by Seri, betting before the Barça for incorporating to the African before that by somebody of the house like Carles Aleñá.
The true is that it would treat of an operation of the simplest. The player of the Nice is desirous to play in the Barça from does months, and the French group neither would put objections to his course as long as they pay the 40 million euros of his clause of rescission.
The FC Barcelona has not forgotten of Seri
As it explained in the program of TVE 'The Rondo', the Barça bet definitively by Coutinho and Gave María like priorities this past summer, but after the denouement of the market of signings 2017 is possible that Seri finish being the elected to reinforce to the team in winter, what could repercutir no only the course of Burn Turan, but it can also that of another component like André Gomes.
The question is that the FC Barcelona seems to not to have forgotten of Jean-Michäel Seri, and the player follows wanting to recalar in the Camp Nou. Proof of this are the last big performances that is starring with the Nice, surely to claim his level of elite.