During long it has kept opened the debate on if the FC Barcelona has to or not going out to the market of wintry signings to reinforce his staff. After the 'KO' of Gavi, the one who will lose the rest of the season by a complete break of the ligament crossed previous of the right knee and an injury associated to the external meniscus, everything seemed to indicate to that the club went to go out to look for him a relief, but does not seem a real possibility.

And it is that the economic situation continues dictating sentence in the plans or wishes that can have the sportive direction of the club. Of face to the wintry market, the priority will be the registration of Vitor Roque, to the one who the Barça fichó in the summer by 61 million euros, between fixed and variables, from the Athletico Paranaense. His arrival has been foreseen for the winter from the first moment, but the problems with the Fair Play had put it in doubt.

The formulas of the Barça in the wintry market

However, the injury of Gavi changed the history. As it will happen more than four months in the infirmary, the Barça has notified that will set up the rule of LaLiga that allows to use 80% of the cost of the player of 19 years -that is missing him for earning- to inscribe to a new player. From the club have chosen to Vitor Roque by in front of a reinforcement for the centre of the field and is closed his arrival, although in different conditions and that force to Deco and company to prepare the terrain of face to the summer of 2024.

The true is that the only form in which the picture of the City Condal could incorporate to an extra player in January is in the case that arrive the 40 million Free Football Finance by Barça Studios. The term is until 15 December, but still there are not news on if they will receive the money. it is negotiating A new resale to another bottom investor, but could postpone the use of the 'profits' for the summer, when there will be a lot of obligations and the limit salarial will be much more necessary that right now.

Unchanged in the staff of the Barça

Like this then , except the incorporation of Vitor Roque and the players of the filial that can reinforce to the team, Xavi will finish with the same staff that has up to now. It is a big challenge the one who has, because already the changing room is too short and the injuries become the norm. The trainer of Terrassa will have to throw of imaginative formulas, rotar and measure the efforts of all his footballers to avoid that the history was dramatic.