Edgar Davids, one of the signings of winter more remembered


The Barça looks for to the 'new Davids' of the defence for January

Published:19/10/2018 - 12:02h

Updated:20/10/2018 - 02:35h

The FC Barcelona has suffered two important setbacks in his defence: in the first place, the injury of Samuel Umtiti, that does not know what time goes to last; in second, the one of Thomas Vermaelen. Now the club poses attend to the market of winter

Calendar of FC Barcelona

There are times that, by a lot of that schedule the signings in summer and execute properly, arise setbacks during the season that force to attend to the market of winter. This is the case of the FC Barcelona in the present campaign with the injuries of Thomas Vermaelen and of Samuel Umtiti, that have left the defence in picture.

Thus, the Barcelona club has the intention, according to the informations of Sportive World, to bring to a central defence in the market of signings of winter. Precisely the Catalan entity is connoisseur of the productive that they can be this type of incorporations if it gives with the correct key to reinforce to the team.

The most exaggerated precedent of the recent history of the Barcelona club find it in 2004. During the first months of season and in spite of the arrival of Ronaldinho Gaucho, the then directed team by Frank Rijkaard did not raise head. The little consistency in the medullary and the fault of goal condemned to the team to look for solutions in the market of winter.

In that moment, the press and the fans expected the arrival of a forward goleador for paliar the problems of the team and improve the provision, but the decision of the technical office headed by Txiki Beguirinstain went by a very distinct way: ficharon to Edgar Davids, a midfield player of 31 years that was far from to be the megaestrella that expected the barcelonismo.

Nevertheless, from the arrival of the mediocentro Dutch, the team resurgió of his ashes and began to win parties to finish the league second, remaining very near to win it. Davids Resulted key in the change: it turned into the 'dog of prey' of the team, an able player to launch the pressure to the rival to recover balloons contributing harp and giving solidity to the team.

The Barça looks for to a central veteran

The FC Barcelona looks for a player of the same profile that was it Edgar Davids in this moment: veteran, experienced in big clubs and accustomed to the maximum requirement. The Dutch arrived yielded and to cost zero to the Camp Nou, something that the Barcelona club also would look for for the reinforcement of his defence: an economic signing but resolutivo.