Barça lose Wijnaldum: His agent, in Paris to close the transfer
Published:7/06/2021 - 08:45h
Updated:7/06/2021 - 12:32h
After Wijnaldum's 'sit-in' to Barça, the Dutchman's agent traveled to Paris to meet with PSG and finish off the transfer of the midfielder
To the FC Barcelona changed him the panorama in the market of signings in question of hours. The blaugrana happened to have 'tied' to Georgino Wijnaldum, after a meeting the past week with his agents in the Camp Nou, to give him totally by stray in front of the irruption of the Paris Saint-Germain, that presented a millionaire offer to the midfield player that did him change completely his plans of face to the future.
The agreement that offers him the Parisian group would bend the offer that presented the Barça previously and the blaugrana, conscious of his delicate financial situation and of all the open fronts in the team, have opted for abandoning the career to achieve his signing, because they know that it is impossible to equalise what has put on the table the PSG, economically speaking.
Thus, the surroundings of the player already moves wires to sign the agreement with the French, that would be when falling according to the last informations. In fact, 'Sportive World' has desvelado that Humphrey Nijman, agent of the player, already is in Paris finishing the negotiation with the PSG. It expects that after the Eurocopa happen the medical recognition, but no longer there is gone back backwards and will finish recalando in the Park of the Princes from the season 2021-2022.
In principle, the Barça wanted to keep firm by his signing and expected 'convince it' of recalar in the Camp Nou by a less high price (in question of wage, because it is free agent), presenting him all the opportunities that would have in the team, in a moment key with the reeconstrucción that is preparing Joan Laporta for the club of face to the next season. Besides, had in 'factor Koeman', remembering that it was the Dutch that asked the traspaso of his compatriot, to the one who already knew very well by his go through Low Countries.
Wijnaldum Plants to the Barça
The sheiks of Paris have done something in what they are expert and Wijnaldum and his agent, very pending of the economic subject, have 'fallen' in his game, after having practically the enclosed agreement with the FC Barcelona. It has been a movement that has generated surprise in the surroundings of the blaugrana, that have remained incrédulos in front of the attitude of the midfield player.
Finally, the Barça will have to happen the page immediately and set up a plan to achieve new signings that serve of reinforcement for the staff, that needs to freshen and have changes to go back to be competitive, conscious that all will have to be 'low cost' or directly free, because the club is not in conditions to do big investments.