The Barça puts his focus in Italy if it leaves Neymar
Published:25/07/2017 - 14:10h
Updated:25/07/2017 - 14:10h
The "Gazzetta dello Sport" devotes his cover of today to Neymar. And the Italian newspaper ensures that if the Brazilian finally leaves to the PSG, the Barcelona would use the more than 200 millions collected for fichar to Dybala (Juventus) and Insigne (Naples)
Waiting for seeing what occurs finally with Neymar -it will be necessary to be slopes to the press conference of the PSG-, the Barça follows working without pause but without haste so that it arrive a footballer that reinforce the centre of the field. And included the most offensive zone. This aims "The Gazzetta dello Sport" this Tuesday.
The half Italian ensures that the Barcelona club would be had to fichar to Dybala and Insigne if Neymar finish going to the previous French group payment of 222 million euros. The players of Juventus and Naples respectively like to the sportive direction of the Barça by his youth, versatility and projection.
Paulo Dybala is and will be during a lot of years a forward to take into account in the panorama futbolístico European. Also it is known by many, besides, that the Argentinian has profesado from always a big admiration to Leo Messi, to the one who considers his idol of the infancy.
Insigne, by his part, is a left extreme that antaño marked 20 goals and delivered 9 assistances. It is 26 years old and it has despuntado does two seasons. East generates more doubts because it would occupy a similar position to the one of Deulofeu.
Coutinho, the dream
The Barça stirs a lot of alternatives as it is used to to be usual and in addition to the quoted previously, the Brazilian of the Liverpool is an option that likes a lot to Robert, that follows him from does time. Coutinho Keeps a good relation with Suárez and Neymar, but Klopp does not want to traspasarle on no account.