Amadou Onana, jugador del Everton


Barça was 'warned' of Amadou Onana's potential

Published:18/02/2024 - 18:17h

Updated:19/02/2024 - 02:17h

According to information from the newspaper 'SPORT', Roberto Martínez recommended the profile of Amadou Onana to FC Barcelona, one of the midfielders who is on the culés' agenda for the 2024/2 season.

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Amadou Onana Is one of the names that keep in the diary of the FC Barcelona like candidate to reinforce the centre of the field for the season 2024/2025. The sportive direction carries months studying his profile to determine if it would fit in the team and the reports are positive, although they are conscious that it is an incorporation complicated by the economic factor and the 'competition' that, surely, there will be in the market of signings estival.

And it is that if there is something that will affect, once again and as always, to the Barça to the hour to try reinforce his staff are the prices in the market. Amadou Onana Has despuntado like one of the pivote more 'attractive' of the Premier League, although the Everton crosses a delicate situation in the competition. Of face to the summer, especially if they descend to the Championship, there will be an important 'bidding' by him between several 'big' of Europe.

'Bob' Martínez had warned to the Barça of Onana

The true is that in the Barça follow 'reviewing' his profile and have had several 'inputs' positive. One of them, according to a recent information of the newspaper 'SPORT', has arrived through Roberto Martínez, with the one who the footballer debuted in the Natios League 2022 with Belgium. It would have warned to the Catalans of his enormous quality on the terrain of game and that it would be an interesting profile for the plans of the club.

The recommendation would have arrived after a conversation with Jordi Cruyff, the one who until the past season exerted like sportive director of the Catalan picture. Both keep a big relation and 'Bob' "warned to the Barcelona of the enormous potential of the player endorsing what for him would be a big signing". In this moment, his caché was much lower, but the Barcelona picture was not in conditions to face a possible incorporation by the economic factor. Now, the situation is practically identical.

The price of Onana, inasumible for the Barça

It is worth it to remember that, it does some days, trascended that Deco, Barcelona sportive director, had touched the door of the Everton for tantear the possibility of 'incorporate' to Onana to the rows of the Barça. From the Goodison Park transmitted that the traspaso rondaría the 60 million euros for this summer, with the aim to recover the investment of 35 'kilos' that did by him and generate profits. Other clubs, like the Arsenal or Chelsea, also have asked after his services for the 24/25.

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