The FC Barcelona already has surpassed the first stage of the demanding calendar of October, and faces a stop of selections before encarar the following. The sportive aims are above the rest and there are many win to give a hit on the table in the complicated commitments that come, although the time in which it touches to be stopped does not go to lose in any of the plots of the club.
While the footballers work in the Sportive City, the news also are in the dispatches. From 'TV3' inform that several members of the technical office will travel to Brazil to observe to several promises that are in the diary of signings, with the aim to make some reports and check if it is necessary to take positions of face to a future incorporation.
The quoted half underlines that, for the moment, there are not operations under way and there are not urgencies in this visit, that has to see only with the review of several pending cases in a market that usually offers interesting options. It is evident the relation that there has been along the history, and could continue in the coming campaigns.
Waiting for going confirming the movements in the next days, has aimed that Pep Safe and Ramón Plans will be the envoys in this occasion, but to the manager general and to the attach to the technical office could them join the manager of the section, Éric Abidal, that to date has managed some subjects inside the European borders.
Arthur, the big Brazilian example for the Barça
This trip is a step more in the strategy of future of the Barça, that goes through conjuntar Masia and signings to reinforce to the first team. One of the key points will be to be especially attentive to the football of training, because the prices of the stars consolidated have shot and will touch to assume risks in players to which remains them finish to form .
A very clear example in the recent planning is the one of Arthur, controlled in the Guild of Carry Cheerful in the last months. The youngster had to expect until January of 2019 to move to the Camp Nou, but the technicians considered more suitable to advance his arrival and the one of Goiania already is giving samples of his big qualities.