Luciano Vietto, controlling a balloon in a party of the Athletic

They bet by him

The barcelonismo does not want that to the Barça escape him Vietto

Published:9/07/2016 - 22:17h

Updated:9/07/2016 - 22:18h

In front of the possibilities that the Seville can snatch him to the Barça the signing of the forward of of the Athletic of Madrid Luciano Vietto, the fans blaugrana has showed contrary to that this occurs and pleads because the culés fichen to the "bomb"

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The latest news on the future of Luciano Vietto that appeared the past Friday will not have liked at all to the fans of the FC Barcelona. As as it could check in a survey made by "FCBN", in his big majority the simpatizantes culés bet by the signing of the young forward of 22 years of the Athletic of Madrid.

Like this it was as it showed 71% of the users of our half that voted in the question made between the past Wednesday 5 July and the Thursday 6 July "To which type of forward ficharías for the Barça?". The options were so many as those that stirs the technical office of the club to occupy this fourth square in the forward by a man contrasted that it give rest to the three "colossuses" from above.

Specifically, the results to the question were the following:

-A veteran attacker like Kevin Gameiro 18%
-A young promise like Luciano Vietto 71%
-An intermediate tip like Lucas Pérez 5%
-To anybody, would remain me with Munir 6%

An answer abrumadoramente majority by the Argentinian forward whose agent already went through the offices of the Barcelona club does weeks to offer his services. The option of the "bomb" Vietto likes a lot to the fans as it sees in him to a youngster with a lot of quality, as it showed in the Villarreal, that would go him that neither painted to the football of touch and possession of the Barça.

His qualities with the ball, skill, rapidity and changes of rhythm do him on the one hand be perfect to be the spare of Luis Suárez (the most punished man of the three from above) and also be a joker for Neymar and Messi in the sides.

A very appetizing option by his short age then , who knows, if it went out well could lead the forward of the club of here to two or three years. By all this, the information that went out of "The Desmarque" and that affirmed that the Seville FC would be bidding strong for carrying to the crack in ciernes by means of a cession has taken to the barcelonismo by surprise and have seen it with some distrust. His word has remained clear, the bet is Luciano Vietto.