Frenkie Of Jong always has been an aim of signing for the Bayern Munich. They have been varied the markets of signings in which the German club has tried fichar to the mediocampista of the FC Barcelona, all without success. However, everything seems to indicate that it no longer is a priority, by what this summer will desist of his contracting and will aim to a player disclosure of the Premier League.

It treats of Adam Wharton. The footballer, that arrived to Crystal Palace pertinent of the Blackburn Rover in return of 22,5 million pounds, has contested 44 parties in the present season and has dazzled to all the fans with his talent. Quickly it did with a place to title in the medullary zone of the English club and, signing good performances, woke up the interest of several important teams of Europe, including to the Bayern, that already tried ficharlo in the wintry market.

The English pivote of 20 years has valid agreement until June of 2029 and is of the like of the Bavarian sportive direction. As it informs 'DailyMail', already prepare an offer of 60 million pounds to ensure the services of the player. To his time, the germanos will try to close the operation before it start the Eurocopa, to avoid a revaluation in his price in case to be selected.

Wharton Wins him the 'pulseada' to of Jong

Two entirely different realities. One is figure in his team, the another finds lesionado. It fits to mention that it is the third time that the Dutch is drop by problems in his ankle and generate doubts on his presence in the Supercopa. Although Xavi consider it a fundamental piece in the Barça, the directive will evaluate a possible traspaso if it arrives a good offer by him. We remember that of Jong has agreement with the Barça until 30 June of the 2026 and has on the table a proposal of renewal.