The FC Barcelona already trains to the orders of Hansi Flick in the first trainings of the previous pre-season to turns it by United States. Now, the German trainer has conceded an interview to the platform of the entity culé, 'Barça One', in which it has done a balance of his first days in the bench barcelonista and has pronounced on the idea of the institution of face to the market of signings.

"Sometimes I think that we have to bring to a player that can win a party", began saying the germano. For this, is in constant communication with the sportive director, Deco, with the one who keeps a good relation. "Have very good connection with Deco, does a fantastic work and am happy with this", adding that both work "to attain the most important for me, that is to increase the quality of this team".

Flick Has had the opportunity to work with several youngsters of the filial blaugrana, recognising that his level is fruit of "the philosophy of the Barcelona". "What have seen in the first session of training has been incredible", commented, elogiando to The Masia because "the form with that develop to the players that is incredible".

The German showed very satisfied with the seen in the first sessions of the team, affirming that "the quality that give us is really excellent. Usually you find you with the same situation when the players experienced or the international are was and with the young players, the low quality a bit. But here it does not happen this, is pleasant to see how improve".

The style of game of the team

On the plan of game that pretends to impose in the team, Flick confessed that "we always want to play, always want to be active, this is very important, act when have the balloon. Without the balloon or with the balloon". Besides, it sustained that in defence "maybe want to guide to the rivals in the correct direction where want to that they are, so that we can win the ball".

Finally, it confessed that the pressure will be a fundamental part in the tactical approach of his diagram, revealing that "sometimes it will be of a way and other higher of the normal". Always embargo, after the recovery after loss, the footballers will give loose rein to his creativity, since the germano considers that "with the balloon each one has to feel free to give the best that can".