Frenkie de Jong, FC Barcelona player


Does the 'novel' continue? Barça, forced to negotiate with Frenkie de Jong

Published:20/12/2022 - 12:59h

Updated:20/12/2022 - 17:37h

New information from England maintains that the Premier wants to take over the services of Frenkie de Jong. This situation has set off the alarms in a Barça that must sit down to negotiate with the player

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Several informations from the United Kingdom have gone back to link to Frenkie of Jong with the Premier League. The Manchester United still considers possible the incorporation of the Dutch, whereas other clubs like Chelsea keep him very high in his diary of possible signings. From Germany also the Bayern Munich has considered him for his medullary, although the true is that it would be the most move# away in the career by his services.

However, the midfield player in any moment has expressed his wish to abandon the club, since it wants to triumph with the elastic Barcelona although the Barça kept opened the door of exit in the past summer. So much Joan Laporta like Xavi Hernández have sustained the speech that it is a footballer of present and future, in addition to being indispensable for the second half of the campaign.

Nevertheless, although all these affirmations are on the table, the true is that the situation in the arks of the institution is not the best. The Barcelona has to reduce his mass salarial at the end of the course if it wishes to do new movements in the market, by what will have to seat to speak with the surroundings of Frenkie to reach an agreement that reduce his emolumentos.

In principle, the managerial would want to give him full stop to the uncertainty that cierne his future once and for all and also negotiate the possibility of an enlargement of agreement, with the end to balance his wage to the new terms salariales. There are several formulas that are handling in the dispatches taking into account that it is recovering part of the money that postponed by the pandemia.

Imminent decision

For the club results almost impossible to keep him in the staff if they do not reach an agreement thanks to the strict norms of the Fair Play financial of LaLiga. The planning goes through to find a half point and like this not depending on an unwanted sale for the technical body. In case that there is not any pact, the Barcelona will not have more remedy that sell him and find him a relief of guarantees with the money ingresado. At present his value of market oscillates the 50 million euros, but the culés will not leave him go by less than 80 'kilos'. It will be necessary to see how continues this 'serial' in 2023.