Luis Díaz partido2


The data of Luis Díaz in comparison with Ansu Fati that can worry FC Barcelona

Published:20/06/2024 - 15:33h

Updated:20/06/2024 - 15:33h

The future of Luis Díaz is not sure in the Liverpool, something that does him be in the 'radar' of the Barça. However, the data that has left the Colombian in England could produce some worry in the Barcelona entity

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Díaz is one of the main names that has the FC Barcelona in his diary to reinforce the left extreme. The Colombian has fulfilled two seasons -and the half of another- in the Liverpool with a very positive level, although they exist some factors that do not finish to convince to a part of the Barcelona fans to keep him like an aim, at least to the level in which it finds Nico Williams, for example.

And it is that the idea culé goes through to find a left extreme that know to perfection this role, and that especially, can improve what already exists in the staff. But if the analysis splits of the figures, the reality is that Díaz is in a level of goals very similar to the that has had Ansu Fati in his career in the Barça, for comparing it with one of the left extremes that Hansi Flick will have available when it initiate the pre-season.

Luis Díaz has remained very short regarding goals in Liverpool

And it is that already the English press has spoken, in more than an occasion, of some inconstancia and irregularity in the case of the player of the Liverpool and if we review that in his 98 parties with the team of Anfield has achieved to mark 24 goals and give 13 assistances, the thought could be in the true. The average goleador of Díaz in England has been of 0,25 so many by party, marking only a target each four duels.

These numbers asemejan a lot of to the of an Ansu Fati that right now does not take place in the team, and that has suffered the last almost three years with the injuries. Leaving to a side his stage in the Brighton, the Spanish accumulates 112 meetings like Barcelona player, a very similar quantity to the ones of Díaz in the Liverpool, but has achieved 29 goals and 10 assistances.

Ansu, in spite of his injuries, has been in a similar level

His average has been of 0,26 goals by meeting, a practically identical quantity to the one of the Colombian, the one who to go out of Anfield would have to have an offer of some 60 or 70 million euros. Although it is clear that big part of the numbers that achieved Ansu in the Barça did it when it was in his best version, sí that leaves something 'badly stopped' to Díaz when being in a team that attacks as much as the Liverpool and in a moment of his career in which it is much more formed of what was Fati to his 17, 18 or 19 years of age.

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