In the City Condal, although the subject that seems to hoard all the headlines is the future of Xavi Hernández and if it will continue or no in the FC Barcelona of face to the next season, the reality is that the picture culé can not neglect his situation in matter to incorporate for the next course. In this point, from the sportive direction seem to have clear the priorities to reinforce the staff: a mediocentro defensive stellar and a left extreme desequilibrante. However, further of this, there is little information, since although there are a lot of names that rumorean, no all can be realistic options, especially considering his economic costs.

In this sense, one of the players that seems to interest to the Barcelonan square to reinforce of face to the next course is the one of Dani Elm, player that went through The Masia does a time and that since it gave the jump to the RB Leipzig has positioned like one of the big appeals in the diagram of the 'Red Bulls'. It appreciates him , between other things, by his big polivalencia in the terrain of game, since although it is natural offensive midfield player, also can play by the bands. Therefore, the Barcelona club could see him like an interesting option, since it would cover practically two positions that wish robustecer with a footballer contrasted.

The FC Barcelona will go to time trial if it finishes deciding to incorporate to Dani Elm

Nevertheless, the FC Barcelona still does not seem to be entirely decided to launch by the services of the international Spanish, which, with each day that passes, reduces the options of the Catalan cast to do of the services of this talentoso player. Why? As because in his more recent renewal with the German group the past 1 June 2023, established him a clause of rescission in his agreement of 60 M€, but this stipulation has a peculiarity.

What sucede with the clause liberatoria of Dani Elm? That has date of caducity, specifically, this clause will disappear completely from the next 15 July, deadline in which the FC Barcelona and any another team that was interested in him will be able to carry it by means of this stipulation. Here it roots the problem, after won this term, all the combined, included the Barça, will have to seat to negotiate with the Leipzig a price of traspaso. Given the level showed by Elm in the last campaigns, this price could be higher that the 60 'kilos' proposed in his clause.

To his time, the fact that the canterano culé finish agreement in 2027 awards him an important power of negotiation to the Leipzig, that would not have haste for listening offers by the player and choose the most favourable, considering that have sufficient time to evaluate these proposals and, if they decide to put it in the market, do it to a high price. This situation contrasts with the one of an agreement with fewer years of length, where could accept a lower offer to avoid lose it to cost zero.

The main problem that would confront the Barcelona club with this signing

Under this premise, the FC Barcelona would have to accelerate his interest in doing with the services of Dani Elm by means of his clause of rescission and like this avoid any negotiation that increase his cost. However, this does not seem very likely in the short term, considering the little time that subtracts so that it fulfil the period mentioned previously.

This term leaves to the Barcelona cast with the hands tied because of the restrictions of the 'Fair Play' financial and considering also the fact that the exjugador of the Dinamo Zagreb does not seem to be a priority in the planning of the Catalan group. In front of this, is likely that this transaction do not rush, something that perhaps neither bother too to the of Terrassa, since although it seems to value return to his ancient home, also interests to other important clubs of the Premier League that they could bet by his services.