The future of Pablo Tower in the FC Barcelona keeps on being an incógnita. The player, that was all the season yielded in the Girona, will have to go back to the City Condal so that the sportive direction, beside Hansi Flick, evaluate his situation. A priori, the midfield player contemplates two options regarding his future. The first is to remain in the Barça, and the second is to follow playing in the Girona, at least a season more.

The Cantabrian had a regular season under the orders of Míchel, the one who values a lot his style of game. In a medullary zone that went out almost by heart, the ex of the Racing competed with Aleix García, Iván Martín and Yangel Herrera, those who were in a good moment. Tower began to have more participation in the eleven headline when Yangel lesionó to half of the present course and showed that had conditions to form part of the headlines.

To his time, the player has manifested in more than an occasion that feels comfortable in Montilivi and the idea to play the UEFA Champions League the following season calls him a lot the attention. By this, if the Barça decants for yielding it again, would prefer to return to the Girona. On the other hand, the directors of the Barcelona club have received offers of clubs of Second Division, but until the moment have not arrived formal offers of First Division.

'Overbooking' In the place

His situation in the Catalan group is a so much complicated. The half of the field already has sufficient names in which they stand out: Gavi, Pedri, Fermín, Gündogan, Of Jong, by what the one of Soto of the Marine would have few opportunities of participation. It is by this that is evaluating the possibility to continue in Girona. Both clubs are optimistic and his representatives are working to concretise the operation, although it fits to mention that by the moment has not arrived to a definite agreement.