Todibo en un partido


FC Barcelona is still pending the future of Todibo to earn a percentage with his sale

Published:9/07/2024 - 10:41h

Updated:9/07/2024 - 12:48h

Niza defender Jean Clair-Todibo may be on the verge of being signed by Juventus. An operation that could benefit Barcelona, ​​since in the event of a sale they could receive a significant amount of money

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Several clubs have showed interested by the profile of the player of Nice, Jean-Clair Todibo. The talent that the footballer has showed in the French club could finish benefiting to the FC Barcelona to economic level. In February of 2021, the Barcelona group agreed the agreement for the sale of the French, but incorporated a clause in which they stipulated that they would benefit of 20% in a future sale.

In this context, the group culé is conscious that if the sale of the mediapunta occurs, an important percentage of this operation would arrive to the Barça. The Nice asks 40 million euros by the defender and the already awake offer the interest of the Juventus. As 'Or Jogo', the player of the French selection is interested in adding to the club chaired by Gianluca Ferrero.

The Italian team tries to negotiate with the Nice

The price with which the French have priced to Todibo does not finish to convince to the Italians. In 'The Vecchia Signora' try that the Nice recess the quantity of money to be able to execute the operation. Although, they keep his interest in the purchase, also look for a margin to win the pulse. However, it is clear that need the incorporation in the defensive zone to be able to reinforce to the group.

Regarding his statistics, the defender has done some good numbers in Tie it 1. In the meetings that has contested has assisted three goals. His profile generates interest because it is a fast player, high and aggressive. The defender does not doubt in winning the balloon and step contrary field to confront to his rivals. Besides, his aerial game could be very very received in the Juventus if finally it arrives the economic agreement.

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