Take Kubo in a party with Japan


The FC Barcelona keeps firm and descarta to Take Kubo by his requirements salariales

Published:6/06/2019 - 14:01h

Updated:6/06/2019 - 14:01h

Take Kubo will not play finally in the FC Barcelona. The Barcelona group has descartado definitively to the jovencísimo Japanese by his tremendas economic requirements. The perla Japanese will not go back to Can Barça and will finish in another big of Europe

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona carried months negotiating the turn of Takefusa Kubo to Can Barça. The jovencísimo player of Japan left the Masia does some years, but the culés wanted that it went back and were quite near to attain an agreement with him. But this last month all has twisted and finally the attacker will not play the Barça the next season.

Sportive world informs that the group barcelonista has had to descartar of definite form to Kubo by the requirements salariales that had. The footballer wanted an agreement of five campaigns at a rate of one million euros by each one of them. Besides, it wanted a square in the first team from the course 2020-2021 and demanded that it appeared this clause in his agreement.

The perla Japanese was had to play in the filial during the season 2019-2020, as long as it trained with the first team. A case the same that the one of Riqui Puig this past year, that played with the B and trained with the greater. But the million of euros that asked Take was too for a Barcelona that tried to approach, but that did not yield in front of his pretences.

The idea of the player was to go back to the Barça and this always was in his head, but the apparition of other willing teams to pay him what asked and to keep all his conditions changed it everything. The Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain or even the Real Madrid could be the destinations of the mediapunta the next campaign.

The English and the French will pay more than anybody, the same that carry doing several years, but the madridistas have showed that they do not remain very backwards. Pagaron A millonada by Vinicius and Rodrygo, also gave 20 'kilos' by Brahim and does years bathed in gold to Martin Odegaard so that it dressed of white. By Kubo could try do the same.

Kubo goes for world-wide star

The projection that has the footballer is tremenda and a lot of experts say that it goes for 'crack'. Has a lot of quality, has goal and do not shiver him the legs never. If it follows progressing as it expects , the team that achieve ficharle there will be fichado possibly to one of the next big players of the world.