Aleix Garrido entered for Ansu Fati against Elche ten minutes from the end


FC Barcelona renews Aleix Garrido until 2025!

Published:28/04/2023 - 17:47h

Updated:28/04/2023 - 17:47h

FC Barcelona has announced the extension of Aleix Garrido's contract so that, when his youth stage ends, he will become part of the Barça Atlètic squad

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The renewal of Aleix Garrido was one of the folders that more concerned to the managers of the inferior categories of the FC Barcelona. It debuted it does almost a month with the first team, in the goleada in front of the Elche (0-4) and has turned into one of the big promises of the juvenile Barcelona in the actuality. After some negotiations 'simple', because if intention always has been to remain in the City Condal, has concretised the extension of his agreement until 2025.

Aleix Garrido Has grown like footballer in The Masia. Recaló In 2012 to form part of Benjamín C and, since, has gone through all the categories of the club until doing with a place almost fix in the Juvenile To. Now, from the Barça have decided to give continuity to his history like culé and the intention is that, from the next course, form part of the filial directed by Rafa Márquez. It carries eleven years in the club and, for the moment, will be by 16 thanks to his new agreement.

Aleix Garrido, blaugrana until 2025

From it does some days came informing that the intention of the sportive direction of the club was to extend the agreement of Garrido. It is a very intelligent interior, with a big vision of game and 'defender' of the Barcelona style. In The Masia see it like one of the footballers with greater projection by his game of possession and capacity to order and give sense to what sucede in the lawn.

This yes, has been very conditioned by an injury that suffered in December, that forced him to be three months went. The own Xavi Hernández has commented in some opportunity that, if it had not been by this physical setback, would have been summoned with the first team before. Already it debuted under the orders of the egarense and would not be a surprise that, from the next course, was more usual to see him in the announcements.

The communiqué of the Barça

The Catalan entity no only has ensured the continuity of Aleix Garrido until the summer of 2025, but also it has turned it into one of his players 'intocables' with a clause of rescission that rises to the 400 million euros. In spite of his short age, 19 years, in the club are conscious that it will wake up the interest of several 'big' and thus it is better to ensure it.

In the communiqué issued by the Barça, have confirmed that "the player Aleix Garrido has arrived to an agreement with the FC Barcelona for the renewal of his agreement, that will link him with the Club until 30 June 2025. Of this way, Aleix Garrido will continue tied with the Barcelona entity two seasons more. The player, that this 30 June, finalises his juvenile stage, will be player of the Barça Atlètic the next course. The clause of rescission will be of 400 million euros".

In the act of renewal, in the dispatches of the club, have been the managers of the sportive direction and formative football: "The act of the signature has had the responsible director of the Formative Football, Joan Soler, the director of the Area of Football, Mateu Alemany, the Sportive director, Jordi Cruyff, and the director of the Formative Football, José Ramon Alexanco".

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