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The FIFA continues leaving fichar to Real Madrid and Athletic

Published:2/07/2016 - 11:36h

Updated:2/07/2016 - 11:36h

While they study and they transact the respective resources presented by Real Madrid and Athletic, the FIFA decided to suspend temporarily the sanction that imposed to both clubs. To day of today, still there are not news in this regard

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The market of signings 2016-17 already has opened officially, and seems that Real Madrid and Athletic of Madrid will have full freedom for fichar and schedule the season that comes with security. In spite of the sanction imposed does some months by the FIFA, both clubs hire players during the period estival, although with the uncertainty of what sucederá in the coming markets.

The FIFA, when being conscious that the study, analysis and processing of the resources presented by the Real Madrid and the Athletic does some months could comport the course of a true time, decided to concede to both clubs the suspension cautelar of the punishment while it decided if the documents presented by the two teams of the Spanish capital have or no validity.

It fits to remember that Real Madrid and Athletic were sanctioned by irregularities in the signing of several lower players of age for his respective quarries, in an identical situation to which suffered two years ago the FC Barcelona and that has derived, for the moment, in the same consequences: an exemplary punishment of two periods of signings without being able to attend to the market.

Said markets had to be theoretically the ones of this summer of 2016 and winter of 2017, but the reality is that finally the sanction has retarded , like sucedió with the FC Barcelona, and Real Madrid and Athletic will be able to reinforce with normality this estío, happening to affect the punishment to the markets of winter of 2017 and summer of 2017.

desconoce The quantity of time that will happen until the FIFA dictate his resolutions in relation to the resources presented, but for the moment the Committee of Appeal already informed weeks backwards of the suspension cautelar of the sanction. "The Commission of Appeal of the FIFA concedes us the suspension cautelar of the sanction while it resolves the resource presented by the club", communicated Real Madrid and Athletic through Twitter.

Robert Lewandowski, Paul Pogba, Kanté, Hazard, Of Gea... They are only some of the a lot of names that are sounding lately to reinforce to the Real Madrid. It will be necessary to see if any of them finish arriving to the club merengue.

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