The exit of Martin Braithwaite of the FC Barcelona continues complicating in front of the refusal of the Danish to leave without earning the two remaining years of the wage stipulated in his agreement. The situation could carry to the club to take the decision to terminate it of unilateral way once that the window estival of signings finish for closing without problems with the FIFA.

In spite of that it already has offers of other clubs, the Danish has denied to accept the letter of freedom if the Barça does not fulfil with his conditions. However, the measure would not involve sanction any by part of the body rector of the world-wide football since by the age of Braithwaite, 31 years, these mechanisms of protection would not be applicable. Of this way, only would be necessary to indemnify him.

What says the FIFA in this regard?

In accordance with his regulations in contractual matter, these measures have three sources of application: "The national legislation, the characteristics of the sport and other objective criteria. These criteria will have to include, in particular, the remuneration and other profits that owe to the player according to the valid agreement or to the new agreement, the remaining contractual time, until a maximum of five years, the quotas and the costs disbursed by the previous club (amortised along the period of force of the agreement), as well as the question of if the rescission of the agreement produces in a period protected".

The term of protection covers to the footballer until the 28 years of age in the above-mentioned conditions, by what Martin Braithwaite would not be subject to these disposals and, in consequence, the Barcelona would not be object of sanctions, like the prohibition to inscribe players for local and international competitions in two complete periods and consecutive skillful for such effects.

When surpassing this age, the period of protection reduces of three to two years, by what the unilateral rescission of the agreement of the Danish neither would bring problems for the club, since his valid agreement was signed to starts of 2020 and in February of 2022 came to an end the lapse of applicability of this mechanism. In such sense, to Braithwaite only would subtract him arrive to an agreement with the Barcelona directive if it wishes to avoid greater problem.