Jadon Sancho con el Dortmund


The figure that Manchester United would ask of FC Barcelona for Jadon Sancho

Published:27/06/2024 - 16:59h

Updated:27/06/2024 - 16:59h

Jadon Sancho has offered himself to Barça again. The Englishman could be an alternative for the club's attack, but United would ask for 45 million euros for his signing

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The landing of an extreme in the staff of Hansi Flick has turned into the greater priority of the window estival of the FC Barcelona. Luis Díaz, Nico Williams and Dani Elm are the names that lead the diary of futuribles of the club, with the Colombian being the preferred of Deco and the Spaniards the elected by the directive. However, the shopping are subject on sale of some player, by what in the City Condal study other options and would have presented them a new opportunity of market.

In this sense, the newspaper 'SPORT' informed does some days that Jadon Sancho was offered to the entity blaugrana. The English went back to the United after recovering his big level during his cession in the Borussia Dortmund, but his continuity in Manchester is descartada because of his bad relation with Erik Have Hag, by what now looks for him an exit. In fact, the 'network devils' put his name on the table in a meeting kept does a pair of months between both clubs with the end to concretise an exchange of players, but the culés did not accept.

Now, the journalist Shay Lugassi of 'BarçaTimes' has ensured that the attacker has gone back to be offered to the Barça in the last days. The footballer would be loved to put to the orders of Hansi Flick in his new project in the City Condal, but his name would be far to be of the first in the list of candidates of the club.

Besides, the price of the operation would be 'prohibitivo' for the Catalan entity. As it has informed the previously mentioned source, the Manchester United would be asking the 'friolera' figure of 45 million euros by the traspaso of a footballer that until does some months left more doubts that certainties regarding performance refers .

The Barça no descartaría his signing

In spite of this, the culés still no descartarían his arrival. If the incorporation of one of the three big candidates of the group culé (Díaz, Williams or Elm) complicates because of problems by the 'fair play' financial, the culés could consider the option to launch to by the English, that to his 24 years has showed that his ceiling keeps on being high. This if, his signing would have to concretise to way of cession, since the culés do not pretend to credit the more than 40 'kilos' that asks the United by his transfer.

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