The situation of the FC Barcelona with his Fair Play financial is not the ideal, in spite of the 'solutions' provisional that found in 2022 with the execution of the 'crowbars' economic. The Catalans continue dragging problems and know very well that, if they do not carry out diverse operations, will not be in conditions to go out to the market of signings estival and, later, inscribe to his players in LaLiga.

From the patronal will not offer eases to the Barcelona entity and again have urged them to resolve his problems if they want to live a 'good' summer in what to movements refers . Javier Thebes has spoken in this regard in London, in the previous of the final of the Champions League, and left clear that is not the most positive stage, but the Barça has options to go back to the rule 1:1 that will allow him balance his Fair Play financial.

For this, it will be necessary to square the accounts. It is not a secret for anybody that the club is slope to resolve the 'wrap' with Barça Studios after the non-payment of the 40 million euros of Free and the 60 'kilos' that correspond to this exercise. It is the biggest problem, but would not be the only. They are varied the "important subjects" to which will have to loan attention. The costarricense has not deepened in which would be, but yes has insisted in that it is very important that fulfil with the parameters.

The statements of Javier Thebes in key Barça

The explanation has arrived after being questioned by the current situation of the club after the change of trainer. It has indicated that in the Barça "know what affects them the exit of Xavi, know what affects them the arrival of Flick and have time to arrive to this situation", although it is 'optimist' in this regard: "By what have been able to speak of some subjects on of the important table, if they close them will be able to arrive to this situation of 1/1. They will have to close them".

In this same order of ideas, cleared that "the important is that the Barça exist and follow being well and was sustainable" and that understands that, to the moment in which they adapt his mass salarial, will be able to be in conditions to go out to the market with normality: "In the last informs of Deloitte was the third club in level of income, follows being very up. In the moment in that it adapt more his mass salarial will go back to be in the market".