Joao Félix will be one of the protagonists of this summer in key FC Barcelona. His cession expires in nine days, on 30 June, and his future is in the air. From the City Condal have manifested his intention to extend his stay by a season more, with the "himself want to" of the footballer of 24 years, but is an operation that is frozen and that will depend on the intentions that have the Athletic of Madrid, to the that belongs him his index card by the next five courses.

It is not a secret for anybody that the 'colchoneros' prioritise the option to sell to the international with Portugal, to avoid a third consecutive cession (to Chelsea in the second stretch of the 2022/23 and to the Barça in the 2023/24). It does not go in in the plans of the Athletic and understand that the solution is to sell him, but do not confront a simple stage because the Barcelona only could assume his continuity through a new cesión and any team will be in conditions to pay the 60-70 million euros that would ask by him.

The Athletic wants to recover part of the investment of 127 'kilos' that did by his signing in 2019, from the Benfica, but have everything against. Joao Did not have a season especially 'hopeful' in the Barça and was quite irregular, in addition to that, up to now, has not gone in in the plans of Roberto Martínez in Portugal in the Eurocopa. Only if it achieves revalorizarse astronómicamente in these next weeks would have options to take out a good 'cut' of his traspaso.

The Barça depends on a good negotiation of Jorge Mendes

The Barça, in any case, will keep his posture. 'They depend' of a good negotiation of Jorge Mendes, agent of the footballer, with the leaders of the Madrilenian picture to achieve an agreement that benefit them and allow to have he in the season 2024/2025 in identical conditions to the ones of now. The Fair Play financial does not allow other roads to ensure the continuity of Joao and will be allocated to 'find' and arrive to an agreement, because for the attacker the only viable option is to remain in the City Condal.

Although to the Barcelona would like them 'apurar' the operation, will be a case that will resolve during the month of July. The Athletic will expect until it finish the Eurocopa to negotiate any operation that involve to Joao. In the meantime, in the Barça schedule the 24/25 including him in the plans. Hansi Flick Wants to have he and understands that it is a profile very aprovechable if it finds him a 'place' ideal in the field and keeps the regularity.