Dani Olmo en la Eurocopa


Manchester City 'accelerates' to leave FC Barcelona without Dani Olmo

Published:26/06/2024 - 13:39h

Updated:27/06/2024 - 04:31h

Manchester City is the best placed to take Dani Olmo in this transfer market. The 'skyblues' have accelerated negotiations and would leave Barça without options to sign the Spaniard

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Dani Elm is one of the big interrogantes of the present market of signings. The polyvalent midfield player of 26 years is one of the main aims of the FC Barcelona to reinforce the attack of the team, but the footballer has a long list of beaux and to average that advance the days in the summer, his caché goes in heave and the 'career' is increasingly couple.

And it is that the Barcelona entity will have to compete with other big of Europe to attain do with the services of the footballer of the RB Leipzig. The Bayern Munich does strength so that the player keep in the Bundesliga, whereas the Liverpool and the Manchester City work to carry the talents of the of Terrasa to the Premier League.

In this sense, 'Sportive World' ensures that they would be the 'citizens' those who are in the 'pole position' to achieve the landing of Elm in the Etihad Stadium. The mancunianos have accelerated the negotiations with the 'red bulls' and are the best planted to do with the mediocentro, that wants to define his future along the next week since his clause of rescission expires the next 15 July, what would hamper his exit in case of not taking a decision before this date.

The portal 'The Athletic' sustains that from Manchester are doing all the possible for incorporating to the player to the rows of Pep Guardiola, since the one of Sampedor sees him like the ideal spare in case that it produce the exit of Kevin of Bruyne or Bernardo Silva. The continuity of both veterans in the club is not expensive, and with the sale of any of the two could fund without any problem the traspaso of Elm.

The Barça, of 'hands tied'

In the meantime, the Barça observes as it can lose to one of his elected to reinforce the team by fault of the 'fair play' financial and can not have reaction any. The culés looked for solutions to tackle the operation of the Spanish, but to the not being still in the rule 1/1 his signing is unfeasible. The Leipzig was had to collaborate with the entity blaugrana giving eases of payment in the transfer of the midfield player, but the Catalans do not have the necessary liquidity to assume the contracting of Elm.

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