iñigo martinez recuperado


Milan could 'help' FC Barcelona with Iñigo Martínez

Published:25/06/2024 - 14:57h

Updated:26/06/2024 - 04:46h

Iñigo Martínez is one of the victims of the 'overbooking' of Barça centre-backs. The defender would not enter the club's plans and Milan would present itself as an 'escape route' for the player

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Everything indicates that Iñigo Martínez has the hours explained in the FC Barcelona. As 'Sportive World', the Barcelona entity would have decided to follow having the services of Eric García after the big performance showed by the player during his cession in the Girona, situation that would leave without place in the staff to the defender of Ondarroa.

In this sense, the skilled Italian press in the market of signings has informed that the Milan would present like a 'road of leakage' for the player. In Saint Siro prepare for a possible game of Fikayo Tomori, English defender that is in the diary of the Newcastle United and whose exit would leave an important gap in the centre of the saga 'rossonera'.

By this reason, from the offices of 'Il Diavolo' would have put looks it in the international with the Spanish selection. Paulo Fonseca will begin his new project in the bench milanista and Martínez would be one of the incorporations wished to reinforce his staff, since the Portuguese considers that the footballer fulfils with the profile that look for from Milan for apuntalar the retaguardia of the team.

Martínez, slope of the decision of the Barça

However, everything would be subject to the final decision of the Barça regarding the future of the defender. The newspaper 'MD' sustains that in the City Condal have clear that they have to define the destination of the player in the next days, although all aims to that will abandon the changing room blaugrana. Once they communicate him that they do not have he, the reaction of Iñigo will mark the steps to be followed. The central can demand his whole index card or collaborate in an exit with the club. This, or remain with the risk of not being inscribed having agreement in force until 2025.

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