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The money that FC Barcelona would have to pay if it decided to sign Benjamin Sesko

Published:19/05/2024 - 12:56h

Updated:19/05/2024 - 12:56h

Benjamin Sesko is one of the best young forwards in Europe and several 'greats' follow him. One of them is FC Barcelona, ​​which is already thinking about replacing Lewandowski, since it does not quite trust Vitor Roque

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Benjamin Sesko is allocated to be one of the big goleadores of the next decade in Europe. The esloveno, after standing out in the Network Bull Salzburgo the past season, finish fichando by his greater brother, the Leipzig, to the that arrived in summer of 2023. Although it took in adapting to his new team and to a better league and with more requirements, the leading youngster has finished making a remarkable season, marking 18 goals between all the competiciones.

Although some expected a still greater level of the '9', to be his first campaign in the 'elite' European the feelings have been quite good. It marked only 3 goals in his first 15 parties of Bundesliga, in addition to other two in Champions League and other two in German Glass. They were abysmal data taking into account the illusion that woke up his signing, but in this 2024 all began to change. From 27 January it has marked neither more neither less than 11 so many in 16 meetings, finishing the championship suspender belt annotating a target in seven consecutive crashes.

Sesko Has finished the season in style and now that arrives the summer all the 'big' of Europe that carry pending time of him look him with more attention. The Leipzig paid 24 million euros by him and his cotización has gone up of this figure to the 40 'kilos' of value that has right now. Nevertheless, the one who want it will have to pay more, since the picture germano does not have intention neither need to give off of his goleador. As it announces the specialist in signings of the German market, Florian Plettenberg, the clause of rescission of the esloveno is of 65 million euros and that will be the figure that ask by him.

The Barça follows to Sesko, but has it almost impossible

The Milan and several good teams of the Premier League follow him of very near, but are not the only. As it has informed these last months, the FC Barcelona also has him in his diary like possible relief of Robert Lewandowski, that already has an age and that surely finish going out in 2025 or as very late in 2026. The Barcelona have very good reports of Benjamin from his stage in the Salzburg and consider him a very interesting forward for the present and the future.

The Barça, in principle, seemed that it went to trust Vitor Roque like relief of Lewy, but neither Xavi Hernández, whose future is not at all clear, neither the own club seem to trust now in the Brazilian. The idea of all is that the ex of the Paranaense go out yielded or even sold, by what the barcelonistas would need to look for a replacement of level for when the Pole no longer was or go down a lot his level. Sesko Is one of the options that handle , but his price does the very complicated operation.

For this summer of 2024, the priority of the FC Barcelona seems that it is fichar to a mediocentro 'top', being Joshua Kimmich and Martín Zubimendi those that more like. After reinforcing the midfield, also wants to apuntalar the left band with a good extreme that can desequilibrar and decide parties. The signing of the '9', therefore, still is not prioritario, and taking into account that the culés follow having problems with the Fair Play, seems impossible that can spend also the more than 60 millions that would cost the esloveno. Perhaps, the 2025 was the year in which the blaugrana himself can aspire to Benjamin, if it is that it still is still in the Leipzig.

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