The past Wednesday was a very positive day for the arks of the Real Madrid. As diverse informations, the white group arrived to an agreement with the Naples for the traspaso of Rafa Marín in return of 15 million euros, although it would be missing the 'OK' of the central. Likewise, the Milan did with the property of Álex Jiménez, right side yielded by the merengues in Saint Siro during the past season.

Like this it informs it 'Mark', where ensure that the conjuto 'rossonero' paid 5 million euros to the White House by the pass of the footballer of 18 years, figure in which it was valuada the clause of purchase that had the Italians once that it finalised the year of the loan. The player, that is one of the sides with greater projection in the actuality, will sign by 4 seasons after a first successful year in Milan.

The footballer carried years in the radar of the 'Il Diavolo', those who finally gave the definite step to do with his services. Jiménez knew to take advantage of his opportunity during his first course in the Series To and completed a big season in Saint Siro. His debut carried out in front of the Cagliari the past 2 January in Saint Siro, that finished with a victory of the milanistas by 4-1. Álex was one of the most stood out players of the team and the fans asked his signing.

The Madrid saves an option of repurchase

Of this way, the Milan does with 100% of the index card of the international with the selection of Spain sub-19 after paying the five million euros pactados in the option of purchase stipulated in the agreement of cession. However, the Real Madrid would save an option of repurchase priced in some 10 million euros for 'repescar' to the footballer.